Nose and Maxillary Sinus: Transverse Section Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Nose and Maxillary Sinus: Transverse Section Anatomy

Nose and Maxillary Sinus: Transverse Section ANATOMY
Nasal septal cartilage, Facial vein Maxillary sinus, Masseter muscle, Coronoid process of mandible, Neck of mandible, Parotid gland, Retromandibular vein, Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), Styloid process, Facial nerve (CN VII), Internal jugular vein, Auricular cartilage, Nasal vestibule, Vomer, Inferior nasal concha, Facial artery, Maxillary bone,

Nose and Maxillary Sinus: Transverse Section ANATOMY

Sphenoid bone, Medial pterygoid muscle, Lateral pterygoid plate, Levator veli palatini muscle, Pharyngeal recess Longus capitis muscle, Rectus capitis anterior muscle, Superficial temporal artery, Sympathetic trunk, Styloglossus muscle, Stylohyoid muscle, Medulla oblongata, Internal carotid artery, Vagus nerve (CN X) Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), Accessory nerve (CN XI), Mastoid cells.

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