Intercostal Nerves and Arteries Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Intercostal Nerves and Arteries Anatomy

Intercostal Nerves and Arteries Anatomy
Anterior root, Posterior ramus of thoracic nerve, Medial branch, Lateral branch, Intercostal nerve (anterior ramus of thoracic spinal nerve), Internal intercostal membrane deep to external intercostal muscles, Serratus anterior muscle, Gray and white rami communicantes, Sympathetic trunk and ganglion Innermost intercostal muscles Internal intercostal muscles, External intercostal muscles, Transversus thoracis  muscle, Sternum, Right posterior intercostal arteries (cut), Thoracic aorta, Innermost intercostal muscles Internal intercostal muscles External intercostal muscles Internal thoracic artery, External, abdominal oblique muscle

Intercostal Nerves and Arteries Anatomy Anterior root, Posterior ramus of thoracic nerve, Medial branch, Lateral branch, Intercostal nerve (anterior ramus of thoracic spinal nerve), Internal intercostal membrane deep to external intercostal muscles, Serratus anterior muscle, Gray and white rami communicantes, Sympathetic trunk and ganglion Innermost intercostal muscles Internal intercostal muscles, External intercostal muscles, Transversus thoracis  muscle, Sternum, Right posterior intercostal arteries (cut), Thoracic aorta, Innermost intercostal muscles Internal intercostal muscles External intercostal muscles Internal thoracic artery, External, abdominal oblique muscle, Lateral cutaneous branch of posterior intercostal artery, Superior epigastric artery, Rectus abdominis muscle, External intercostal membrane Anterior intercostal arteries, Anterior branch of lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve, External abdominal oblique muscle, Pectoralis major muscle Anterior cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve, Perforating branch, Lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve, Subscapularis muscle, Teres minor muscle, Infraspinatus muscle, Scapula, Internal intercostal membrane, Posterior intercostal artery, Erector spinae muscle, Rhomboid major muscle, Trapezius muscle, Dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery, Spinal (radicular, or segmental medullary) branch of posterior intercostal artery

Lateral cutaneous branch of posterior intercostal artery, Superior epigastric artery, Rectus abdominis muscle, External intercostal membrane Anterior intercostal arteries, Anterior branch of lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve, External abdominal oblique muscle, Pectoralis major muscle Anterior cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve, Perforating branch, Lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve, Subscapularis muscle, Teres minor muscle, Infraspinatus muscle, Scapula, Internal intercostal membrane, Posterior intercostal artery, Erector spinae muscle, Rhomboid major muscle, Trapezius muscle, Dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery, Spinal (radicular, or segmental medullary) branch of posterior intercostal artery.

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