Autonomic Innervation of Nasal Cavity Anatomy - pediagenosis
Article Update

Friday, September 14, 2018

Autonomic Innervation of Nasal Cavity Anatomy

Autonomic Innervation of Nasal Cavity Anatomy
Superior salivatory nucleus (parasympathetic), Facial nerve (CN VII), Geniculate ganglion, Greater petrosal nerve (parasympathetic), Deep petrosal nerve (sympathetic), Nerve (vidian) of pterygoid canal, Maxillary nerve (CN V2) entering foramen rotundum, Infraorbital nerve, Nasopalatine nerve, Medulla oblongata, Spinal cord, Sympathetic trunk, Tympanic cavity, Internal carotid artery.

Superior cervical ganglion, Maxillary sinus, Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers, Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers, Preganglionic sympathetic fibers, Postganglionic sympathetic fibers, T1, T2, T3, Pterygopalatine ganglion, Lateral and medial posterior superior nasal branches, Postsynaptic fibers to vessels (sympathetic) and glands (parasympathetic) of nasal cavity, maxillary sinus, and palate, Posterior superior alveolar branches, Greater and lesser palatine nerves Internal carotid nerve.

Autonomic Innervation of Nasal Cavity Anatomy

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