Right Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Right Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy

Right Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy
Ascending aorta, Superior vena cava, Right pulmonary artery, Pericardial reflection, Right superior, pulmonary vein, Left atrium, Right inferior pulmonary vein, Interatrial septum, Limbus of fossa ovalis, Fossa ovalis, Valve (eustachian) of inferior vena cava, Inferior vena cava, Pulmonary trunk, Right auricle (atrial appendage), Conus arteriosus, Crista terminalis, Atrioventricular part of membranous septum, Septal leaflet (cusp) of right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve.
Right Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy

Pectinate muscles, Opening of coronary sinus, Valve (thebesian) of coronary sinus, Opened right atrium: right lateral view, Pericardial reflection, Aorta, Superior vena cava, Transverse pericardial sinus, Right auricle (atrial appendage), Right atrium, Membranous part of interventricular septum, Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve, Anterosuperior leaflet (anterior cusp), Inferior leaflet (posterior cusp), Septal leaflet (cusp), Chordae tendineae, Inferior (posterior) papillary muscle, Superoposterior (anterior) papillary muscle, Apical trabeculations, Pulmonary trunk, Transverse pericardial sinus, Nonadjacent semilunar leaflet (anterior semilunar cusp), Right adjacent semilunar leaflet (cusp), Left adjacent semilunar leaflet (cusp), Conus arteriosus, Supraventricular crest, Septal papillary muscle, Interventricular septum (muscular part), Opened right ventricle: anterior view, Pulmonary valve.

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