Nerves and Coronal Section of Larynx Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Monday, October 29, 2018

Nerves and Coronal Section of Larynx Anatomy

Nerves and Coronal Section of Larynx Anatomy
Superior laryngeal nerve, Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle, Internal branch, External branch, Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, Thyrohyoid membrane, Cricothyroid muscle, Cricopharyngeal part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, Right recurrent laryngeal nerve, Right lateral view: thyroid cartilage lamina removed, Coronal section through larynx, Right recurrent laryngeal nerve, Thyroid articular surface, Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle, Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle, Vocalis muscle, Thyroarytenoid muscle,

Nerves and Coronal Section of Larynx Anatomy

Transverse and oblique arytenoid muscles, Thyroepiglottic part of thyroarytenoid muscle, Aryepiglottic part of oblique arytenoid muscle, Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve, Superior thyroid veins, Epiglottis, Internal laryngeal nerve, Superior laryngeal artery, Thyrohyoid muscle, Aryepiglottic part of oblique arytenoid muscle, Thyroid cartilage, Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle, Cricothyroid muscle, Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, Cricoid cartilage, Sternothyroid muscle, Thyroid gland, Recurrent laryngeal nerve, Inferior laryngeal artery, Vestibule, Hyoid bone, Vestibular fold, Vocal fold, Superior thyroid veins, Conus elasticus, Infraglottic cavity, Vocalis muscle.

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