Autonomic Nerves in Neck Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Autonomic Nerves in Neck Anatomy

Autonomic Nerves in Neck Anatomy
Vagus nerve (CN X) (cut), Internal carotid nerve, Jugular nerve, Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), Laryngopharyngeal branch of vagus nerve, Superior cervical ganglion, Gray rami communicantes, Subclavian artery Gray and white rami communicantes, C1, Pharyngeal plexus, Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve, 

Autonomic Nerves in Neck Anatomy
External carotid artery and external carotid plexus, Superior laryngeal nerve, Internal carotid artery and carotid sinus nerve (of Hering) (CN IX), Carotid body, Carotid sinus, Superior cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve, Superior cervical cardiac nerve, Phrenic nerve (cut), Middle cervical ganglion, Common carotid artery and plexus, Middle cervical cardiac nerve, Vertebral ganglion, Vertebral artery and vertebral plexus, Recurrent laryngeal nerve, Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion, Ansa subclavia, Vagus nerve (CN X) (cut), Inferior cervical cardiac nerve, Thoracic cardiac branches (sympathetic and vagus nerves).

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