Axillary Artery and Anastomoses Around Scapula Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Saturday, July 6, 2019

Axillary Artery and Anastomoses Around Scapula Anatomy

Axillary Artery and Anastomoses Around Scapula Anatomy
Anterior view Transverse cervical artery, Suprascapular artery, Acromion and acromial anastomosis, Dorsal scapular artery, Coracoid process, Anterior circumflex humeral artery, Posterior circumflex humeral artery, Subscapular artery, Circumflex scapular artery, Brachial artery, Thoracodorsal artery, Lateral thoracic artery, Inferior thyroid artery, Ascending cervical artery, Thyrocervical trunk, Vertebral artery, Subclavian artery, Anterior scalene muscle, Internal thoracic artery, Clavicle (cut), Superior thoracic artery, 

Thoracoacromial artery, Clavicular branch, Acromial branch, Deltoid branch, Pectoral branch 1, 2, 3 indicate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd parts of axillary artery, Levator scapulae muscle, Dorsal scapular artery, Supraspinatus muscle (cut), Superior transverse scapular ligament and superior scapular (suprascapular) notch Spine of scapula, Infraspinatus muscle (cut), Teres minor muscle (cut), Teres major muscle, Omohyoid muscle (inferior belly), Suprascapular artery, Acromial branch of thoracoacromial artery, Acromion and acromial plexus, Suprascapular artery, Posterior circumflex humeral artery (in quadrangular space) and ascending and descending branches, Circumflex scapular artery, Lateral head, Posterior view, Triceps brachii, Long head muscle.
Axillary Artery and Anastomoses Around Scapula Anatomy

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