Arteries and Veins of Perineum and Uterus Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Arteries and Veins of Perineum and Uterus Anatomy

Arteries and Veins of Perineum and Uterus Anatomy
Arteries and Veins of Perineum and Uterus Anatomy

Round ligament, Tubal, Ovarian, Uterine vessels, Ureter, Vaginal branches of uterine artery, Vaginal artery, Levator ani muscle, Perineal membrane, Internal pudendal artery, Perineal artery, Superficial perineal space, Superficial perineal (Colles’) fascia, Posterior labial artery, Ischiocavernosus muscle, Bulbospongiosus muscle, Superficial perineal space, Perineal membrane, Perineal artery, Superficial transverse perineal muscle, Perineal artery, Internal pudendal artery in pudendal canal (Alcock’s), Inferior rectal artery, External anal sphincter muscle.

Note: Deep perineal (investing or Gallaudet’s) fascia removed from muscles of superficial perineal space
Ovarian vessels, Tubal branches of ovarian vessels, Dorsal artery of clitoris, Deep artery of clitoris, Bulb of vestibule, Compressor urethrae muscle, Artery to bulb of vestibule, Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) gland, Deep transverse perineal muscle, Internal pudendal (clitoral) artery, Perineal membrane (cut away), Perineal artery (cut), Superficial perineal (Colles’) fascia (cut and reflected) to open superficial perineal space, Inferior rectal artery, Branches of uterine artery, Internal pudendal artery in pudendal canal (Alcock’s).

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