Cross Section of Thorax at T4-5 Disc Level Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Cross Section of Thorax at T4-5 Disc Level Anatomy

Cross Section of Thorax at T4-5 Disc Level Anatomy
Ascending aorta, Right pulmonary artery, Superior vena cava, Pectoralis major muscle, Right lung, Intercostal muscles, Axillary fossa, Tendon of long head of biceps brachii muscle, Coracobrachialis muscle, Deltoid muscle, Lateral head of triceps brachii muscle, Long head of triceps brachii muscle, Scapula, Rhomboid major muscle, Right main bronchus,

Azygos vein, Esophagus, T4–5 intervertebral disc, Manubriosternal junction, Internal thoracic artery and vein 2nd costal cartilage, Pulmonary trunk, Left pulmonary artery, Left lung, Pectoralis minor muscle, Ribs, Long head of biceps brachii muscle, Latissimus dorsi tendon, Body of humerus, Teres major muscle, Serratus anterior muscle, Subscapularis muscle, Left main bronchus, Descending thoracic aorta, Accessory hemiazygos vein, Trapezius muscle, Thoracic duct, Inferior tracheobronchial lymph nodes, Infraspinatus muscle.

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