Tympanic Cavity Anatomy - pediagenosis
Article Update

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Tympanic Cavity Anatomy

Tympanic Cavity Anatomy
Posterior tympanic artery, Stapedial branch of stylomastoid artery, Facial nerve (CN VII), Posterior auricular artery, External carotid artery, Stapedius muscle, Superficial temporal artery, Inferior tympanic artery and nerve, Maxillary artery, Middle meningeal artery, Accessory branch of middle meningeal artery, Otic ganglion, Artery and nerve of pterygoid canal, Superficial petrosal artery and greater petrosal nerve, Deep auricular artery, Chorda tympani, Facial nerve and intermediate nerve, Caroticotympanic artery and nerve,

Tympanic plexus, Lesser petrosal nerve and superior tympanic artery, Tensor tympani muscle, Internal carotid artery and carotid plexus, Internal jugular vein, Ascending pharyngeal artery, Geniculate ganglion, Anterior tympanic artery, Lesser petrosal nerve and superior tympanic artery, Maxillary artery (cut), Stylomastoid artery, Posterior tympanic branch of stylomastoid artery, Stapedial branch of stylomastoid artery, Facial nerve (CN VII), Lateral view, Medial view, Inferior tympanic artery, Deep auricular artery, Chorda tympani, Tubal artery, Tensor tympani muscle and tendon (cut), Mastoid antrum, Mastoid cells, Anterior tympanic artery, Pyramidal eminence (cut), Auditory tube (eustachian), Styloid process, Marginal arterial rete, Handle of malleus, Arteries of mallear stria, Tympanic membrane.
Tympanic Cavity Anatomy

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