Bones of Foot Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Bones of Foot Anatomy

Bones of Foot Anatomy
Dorsal view, Body, Fibular trochlea, Tarsal sinus, Transverse tarsal joint, Cuboid bone, Metatarsal bones, Phalangeal bones, Proximal, Middle, Distal, Lateral tubercle, Medial tubercle, Trochlea, Neck, Head, Navicular, Tuberosity, Lateral, Intermediate, Medial, Tarsometatarsal joint, Base, Body, Head, Base, Body, Head, Base, Plantar view, Talus, Calcaneus, Calcaneus,

Tuberosity, Medial process, Lateral process, Sustentaculum tali, Fibular trochlea, Tuberosity, Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone, Base, Body, Head, Base, Body, Head, Base, Head, Base, Cuneiform bones, Transverse tarsal joint, Navicular, Tuberosity, Lateral, Intermediate, Medial, Tarsometatarsal joint, Metatarsal bones, Sesamoid bones, Medial, Lateral, Phalangeal bones, Proximal, Middle, Distal, Lateral tubercle, Medial tubercle, Posterior process, Head, Talus, Cuneiform bones, Posterior process, Cuboid bones, Groove for fibularis (peroneus) longus tendon, Groove for tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle, Groove for tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle, Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone.
Bones of Foot Anatomy

Lateral view
Talus, Transverse tarsal joint, Navicular, Head, Neck, Trochlea, Lateral process, Posterior process, Intermediate, Lateral, Cuneiform bones, Tarsometatarsal joint, Metatarsal bones, Phalangeal, Tarsal sinus bones, Calcaneus, Body, Tuberosity, Fibular trochlea, Cuboid bone, Tuberosity, Medial view, Transverse tarsal joint, Navicular, Tuberosity, Cuneiform bones, Intermediate, Tarsometatarsal joint, Metatarsal bones, Phalangeal bones, Neck Talus, Head, Trochlea, Sesamoid bone, Posterior process, Tuberosity, Sustentaculum tali, Calcaneus, Medial, Groove for fibularis longus tendon, Groove for fibularis (peroneus) longus tendon, Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone, Tuberosity of 1st metatarsal bone Groove for tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle.
Bones of Foot Anatomy

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