Innervation of Male Reproductive Organs Schema Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Innervation of Male Reproductive Organs Schema Anatomy

Innervation of Male Reproductive Organs: Schema Anatomy
Innervation of Male Reproductive Organs: Schema Anatomy
Sympathetic trunk and ganglion, Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve (T5–9), Gray ramus communicans, White ramus communicans, Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve, Least thoracic splanchnic nerve, Upper lumbar splanchnic nerves, Gray ramus communicans, Testicular artery and plexus, Ductus (vas) deferens and plexus, Pelvic splanchnic nerves, 
Inferior extent of peritoneum, Pudendal nerve, Inferior hypogastric (pelvic) plexus, Vesical plexus, Prostatic plexus, Cavernous nerves of penis, Celiac ganglia, Superior mesenteric ganglion, Left aorticorenal ganglion, Renal ganglion, Intermesenteric (abdominal aortic) plexus, Inferior mesenteric ganglion, Testicular artery and plexus, Superior hypogastric plexus, Hypogastric nerves, Ductus (vas) deferens and plexus, Pelvic splanchnic nerves, Sacral plexus, Pudendal nerve, Dorsal nerves of penis, Epididymis, Testis.

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