Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lung Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Saturday, September 8, 2018

Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lung Anatomy

Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lung Anatomy
Right paratracheal nodes, Right superior tracheobronchial nodes Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk, Brachiocephalic vein, Inferior deep cervical (scalene) node, Subclavian vein and subclavian lymphatic trunk, Bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes, Pulmonary (intrapulmonary) nodes, Subpleural lymphatic plexus, Inter-lobular lymph vessels, Drainage follows bronchi, arteries, and veins, Left paratracheal nodes, Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk, Brachiocephalic vein, Inferior deep cervical (scalene) node, Thoracic duct, Left superior tracheobronchial nodes, (Aortic arch) node of ligamentum arteriosum, Bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes, Pulmonary (intra- pulmonary) nodes, Subpleural lymphatic plexus, Interlobular lymph vessels, Drainage follows bronchi, arteries, and veins,

Lymphatic drainage routes.
Right lung: All lobes drain to pulmonary and bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes, then to inferior tracheobronchial (carinal) nodes, right superior tracheobronchial nodes, and right paratracheal nodes on the way to the brachiocephalic vein via the bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk and/ or inferior deep cervical (scalene) node.
Left lung: The superior lobe drains to pulmonary and broncho-pulmonary (hilar) nodes, inferior tracheobronchial (carinal) nodes, left superior tracheobronchial nodes, left paratracheal nodes and/or (aortic arch) node of ligamentum arteriosum, then to the brachiocephalic vein via the left bronchomediastinal trunk and thoracic duct. The left inferior lobe also drains to the pulmonary and bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes and to inferior tracheobronchial (carinal) nodes, but then mostly to right superior tracheobronchial nodes, where it follows the same route as lymph from the right lung.

Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lung Anatomy  Right paratracheal nodes, Right superior tracheobronchial nodes Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk, Brachiocephalic vein, Inferior deep cervical (scalene) node, Subclavian vein and subclavian lymphatic trunk, Bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes, Pulmonary (intrapulmonary) nodes, Subpleural lymphatic plexus, Inter-lobular lymph vessels, Drainage follows bronchi, arteries, and veins, Left paratracheal nodes, Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk, Brachiocephalic vein, Inferior deep cervical (scalene) node, Thoracic duct, Left superior tracheobronchial nodes, (Aortic arch) node of ligamentum arteriosum, Bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes, Pulmonary (intra- pulmonary) nodes, Subpleural lymphatic plexus, Interlobular lymph vessels, Drainage follows bronchi, arteries, and veins,

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