Nephron and Collecting Tubule: Schema Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Nephron and Collecting Tubule: Schema Anatomy

Nephron and Collecting Tubule: Schema Anatomy
Renal capsule, Renal cortex, Subcapsular zone, Proximal convoluted tubule, Cortical renal corpuscle, Neck, Distal convoluted tubule, Henle’s loop, Descending limb, Ascending limb, Collecting duct or tubule, Juxtamedullary renal corpuscle

Proximal convoluted tubule, Distal convoluted tubule, Neck, Henle’s loop, Outer zone, Outer stripe, Inner stripe, Renal medulla (pyramid), Descending limb Collecting duct or tubule, Collecting duct or tubule, Ascending limb, Openings of papillary ducts Inner zone, Cribriform area of renal papilla.
Nephron and Collecting Tubule: Schema Anatomy

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