Left Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Left Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy

Left Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy
Transverse pericardial sinus, Left auricle (atrial appendage), Oblique vein of left atrium (of Marshall), Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve, Mural leaflet (posterior cusp), Aortic leaflet (anterior cusp), Pericardial reflection, Arch of aorta, Ligamentum arteriosum, Left pulmonary artery, Right pulmonary artery, Left pulmonary veins, Left atrium, Right pulmonary veins, Coronary sinus, Inferior vena cava.

Superoposterior (anterior) papillary muscle, Chordae tendineae, Inferior (posterior) papillary muscle, Left auricle (atrial appendage), Conus arteriosus, Aortic valve, Left coronary leaflet (semilunar cusp), Right coronary leaflet (semilunar cusp), Nonadjacent leaflet (posterior semilunar cusp), Interventricular part, Atrioventricular part, Membranous septum, Muscular part of interventricular septum, Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve (cut away), Arch of aorta, Left pulmonary artery, Right pulmonary artery, Left superior pulmonary vein, Valve of foramen ovale, Right pulmonary veins, Left atrium, Coronary sinus, Inferior vena cava, Flap opened in posterolateral wall of left ventricle, Section through left atrium and ventricle with left atrioventricular (mitral) valve cut away.

Left Atrium and Ventricle Anatomy

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