Valves and Fibrous Skeleton of Heart Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Valves and Fibrous Skeleton of Heart Anatomy

Valves and Fibrous Skeleton of Heart Anatomy
Conus arteriosus, Nonadjacent semilunar leaflet (anterior semilunar cusp), Right adjacent semilunar leaflet (cusp), Left adjacent semilunar leaflet (cusp), Right coronary leaflet (semilunar cusp), Left coronary leaflet (semilunar cusp), Mural leaflet (posterior cusp), Nonadjacent leaflet (posterior [noncoronary] semilunar cusp), Aortic leaflet (anterior cusp), Commissural leaflet (cusp), Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve, Aortic valve, Pulmonary valve Left fibrous trigone, Right coronary artery, Left fibrous trigone Circumflex branch* Circumflex branch*, Atrioventricular part of membranous septum.

Anterosuperior leaflet (anterior cusp), Septal leaflet (cusp) Inferior leaflet (posterior cusp), Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve, Right fibrous ring (of right atrioventricular [tricuspid] valve), Right fibrous trigone, Atrioventricular (AV) nodal branch†, Inferior (posterior) interventricular branch†, Inferior (posterior) interventricular branch† *Of left coronary artery† Of right coronary artery, Pulmonary valve, Aortic valve, Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve, Nonadjacent semilunar leaflet (anterior semilunar cusp), Right adjacent semilunar leaflet (cusp), Left adjacent semilunar leaflet (cusp), Right coronary leaflet (semilunar cusp), Left coronary leaflet (semilunar cusp), Aortic leaflet (anterior cusp), Mural leaflet (posterior cusp), Nonadjacent leaflet (posterior [noncoronary] semilunar cusp), Left fibrous ring (of left atrioventricular [mitral] valve), Conus arteriosus, Right coronary artery, Interventricular part, Atrioventricular part, Membranous septum, Anterosuperior leaflet (anterior cusp), Septal leaflet (cusp), Inferior leaflet (posterior cusp), Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve, Right fibrous ring (of right atrioventricular [tricuspid] valve), Right fibrous trigone, Atrioventricular (AV) nodal branch.

Valves and Fibrous Skeleton of Heart Anatomy

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