Omental Bursa: Cross Section Anatomy - pediagenosis
Article Update

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Omental Bursa: Cross Section Anatomy

Omental Bursa: Cross Section Anatomy
Vertebral body of L1, Inferior vena cava, Respiratory diaphragm, Rib Right kidney, Abdominal aorta, Splenic vein, Left kidney Spleen, Greater omentum, Visceral peritoneum (cut edges), Stomach, Pancreas, Omental bursa (lesser sac), Lesser omentum (hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric ligaments), Gastrosplenic (gastrolienal) ligament, Parietal peritoneum, Transverse colon, Transverse mesocolon, Duodenum, Omental foramen (of Winslow), Portal triad (Common) bile duct, Hepatic portal vein, Hepatic artery proper

Omental Bursa: Cross Section Anatomy

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